The aim of the Sustainable Campus project is to expose groundbreaking incentives from Europe’s leading universities in order to stimulate climate change innovation. All universities engaged with the project have a shared research interest in sustainability and high ambitions for their campus. They address a great variety of focus areas, ranging from local energy use to implementing low carbon transport systems. In most of the cases the campus is used as a ‘scientific playground’ to make testing in practice possible.

Within Sustainable Campus a campus-network is being developed. Later on the regional demand for innovation will be articulated and the means to move promising ideas forward will be provided. Last but not least, the innovations will be tested on different campuses and implemented in the right markets throughout Europe.

A range of case studies, value cases, and business plans will be analysed and made accessible to universities. In this way they can develop their own innovation strategies and corresponding action plan, so that finally, more of Europe’s research in climate innovation will find its appropriate way to practice.

An overview of the innovations will be available in due course.